1) 현재
(1) 현재 정보 제공, (2) 현재 이전과 이후 시점에 대해서는 제공 X
ex) Tom is smart >> Tom was smart (?), Tome will be smart(?)
2) 과거
(1) 과거 정보 제공, (2) 과거 이후 시점에 대해 전↔후 의 상황 나타냄
ex) Tom was not smart until 2012 >> Tom is smart(O), Tom was smart (X)
>>2012년을 전후로 하여 smart하고 안하고의 차이를 알수 있음
3) 현재완료
(1) 현재시제의 upgrade, (2) 현재정보와 과거정보 모두 담고 있음
ex) Tom has been smart since 2012 >> Tom is smart(O), Tom was smart(O).
4) 과거완료
(1) 과거시제의 upgrade, (2) 더 이전의 과거 >> 더 옛날 일이라는 것을 암시 하는 signal
ex) Alice lost a bag. Tom bought the bag. >> 개별적인 과거의 사건
Alice lost a bag. Tom had bought the bag. >> 시간의 흐름을 알수 있음.
[조동사의 과거시제]
- 과거에 대한 강한 추측
must have p.p: ~였었음에 틀림없다.
cannot have p.p: ~였었을 리가 없다.
- 과거에 대한 약한 추측
would, could, might, may have p.p: ~였었을수도 있다.
- 문장내용과 사실의 대조관계
should have p.p: ~했었어야 했다.
ex) You should have failed the exam >> fact: 시험에 통과했다는 소리 (흑백논리 적용)
ex) This finding suggested that there should have been a strong correlation between a monitored worker's productivity and the overall rating the worker received.
[부정사와 동명사의 시제]
<to have p.p>
기본적으로 to부정사로 표현되는 글에서는 to부정사의 성격이 어떤건지만 확인하면 되지만 to부정사의 완료형으로 표현되는 경우 시간의 변화를 나타낼수 있다.
ex) He seems to be smart >> He seems to have been smart.
He seemed to be smart >> He seemed to be have been smart.
<having p.p>
to부정사와 마찬가지로 동명사의 경우에도 품사의 성격만 확인하면 되지만 동명사의 완료형태일경우에는 시간의 흐름을 나타낼수 있으므로 유의해야한다.
ex) I am proud of being smart >> I am proud of having been smart.
I was proud of being smart >> I was proud of having been smart.
rely on: 의존하다 (△) >> (1) believe, (2) follow, obey, (3) use
ex) You can rely on his word.
Some people in an isolated region had to rely on traditional wood fire for heat and light without electricity.
Most students rely on their teachers to learn something new.
reliable: 신뢰할만한 (△) >> (1) trustworthy, (2) exact, correct, (3) useful
ex) The scientist found some reliable and credible data to establish the theory.
The innovative technology is thoroughly tested and reliable.
You can find reliable information through traditional resources of books and libraries.
- even though >> fact 서술
- even if >> assumption 서술
ex) Even though it rains, we will go on a picnic. >> 현재 비가 내리고 있는 상태
Even if it rains, we will go on a picnic. >> 비가 내릴지에 대한 확신이 없음
- ► 07/14 - 07/21 (14)
07/21 - 07/28
- [Critical Reasoning] Other types
- [Sentence Correction] Pronoun Reference
- [Sentence Correction] Shift
- [Sentence Correction] Subject-Verb Agreement
- [Reading Comprehension] Cracking #7
- [Reading Comprehension] Cracking #8
- [Reading Comprehension] Cracking #9
- [Reading Comprehension] Basic Logic
- [Reading Comprehension] Week #1
- [Reading Comprehension] Week #2
- [Reading Comprehension] Week #3
- [Reading Comprehension] Week #4
- [Sentence Correction] Dangling Modifiers
- [Sentence Correction] Punctuation
- [Sentence Correction] Sentences
- ► 07/28 - 08/04 (4)