Friday, July 26, 2013

[Sentence Correction] Dangling Modifiers

현수구문 (Dangling Modifier)란, 수식어가 잘못된 선행사에 "매달린" 상태를 말한다. 다시말해 수식은 하지만 주체가 잘못된 문장을 말한다.

ex) While still wearing diapers, the father taught his baby how to head a soccer ball.
>> While his baby was still wearing diapers, the father taught him how to head a soccer ball.


1.After drinking too much coffee, signs of fatigue may be exhibited by a student who is stressed out.

① 절쓰는 방법 >> After a student who is stressed out drinks too much coffee, signs of fatigue may be exhibited by him or her.
② 주어를 바꿈 >> After drinking too much coffee, a student who is stressed out may exhibit signs of fatigue.

※ Dangling modifier 진단
1) 주어가 같은가?
2) 바로 앞 목적어 수식하는가?
3) Entire action을 수식하는가?

~ing, S + V + O >> ing와 주어가 일치하지 않는 순간 DM
S + V + O, ~ing >> DM진단 필요

위의 세가지에 해당이 없다면 Dangling modifier.