comma splice: "," 와 접속사가 분리되어 있는 문장으로 correct theme에 해당
fused sentence: 아무런 구분없이 두개의 다른 문장이 붙어 있는경우
위의 두 경우 모두 심각한 오류에 해당 발견되는 즉시 X 표시
- comma splice: I like figure skating, my brother like hockey
- fused sentence: I like figure skating my brother like hockey
<comma splice & fused sentence의 문제 해결>
① Punctuation: "I like figure skating. my brother like hockey."
or "I like figure skating; my brother like hockey."
② 등위접속사: "I like figure skating, but my brother like hockey."
③ 종속접속사: "Whereas I like figure skating, my brother like hockey."
or "I like figure skating, whereas my brother like hockey."
: 접속부사는 단순 수식어일뿐이지 두 문장을 접합하는데는 쓰일수 없다.
ex) I like figure skating, however my brother likes hockey. >> comma splice
I like figure skating however my brother likes hockey. >> fused sentence
※ However S + V, S + V 의 경우 however가 no matter how의 뜻으로 해석되면 관계 없음
1) 의미상
- 등위접속사: 대등한 관계에 있는 단어, 구, 절을 연결하는 접속사, BOYfAN(s)
- 종속접속사: 종속절을 주절에 연결시켜 주절의 내용을 보충해주는 접속사
that, if, whether, when, as, while, before, after, until, as, since, because, than, though
※ 종속절: 명사절, 형용사절, 부사절 (시간, 이유, 조건, 양보, 비교, 목적, 양태)
2) 형태상
- 단순접속사: 하나의 단어로 된 접속사 (and, when, as, for, ...)
- 상관접속사: 두개 이상의 단어가 서로 떨어져서 상관적으로 쓰이는 접속사 (either or, both and)
- 접속사구: 두개 이상의 단어가 연속적으로 쓰여져 하나의 접속사 구실 (as soon as, as well as, ...)
1) 부사(adverb): I hope so.
2) 접속사 (등위접속사 + 종속접속사)
- 등위접속사: Just as John has changed, so has his wife.
- 종속접속사: My suitcase had become damaged on the journey home, so that the lid would not stay closed.
[so that 목적표현]
S + V + | so that | + S + can (may) + V |
in order that | + S + can (may) + V | |
so as to do ~ | ||
in order to do ~ |
ex) He took her arm and hurried her upstairs so that they wouldn't be overhead.
[so that 결과표현]
S + V, so that + S + can + V
ex) There was snow everywhere, so that we could not identify that shape of things.
- so ~ that S + V 표현
: He was so excited that he could not speak.
- so ~ as to V ~ 표현 >> 정도 표현 (부정문에서 사용)
: He is not so foolish as to believe it
for는 등위접속사와 종속 접속사 중간에 있는 존재로 직접적인 인과관계를 피하는 설명을 한다.
For he loved her, he married her.
>> Because he loved her, he married her
It's morning, because birds are singing.
>> It's morning, for birds are singing.
because는 강력한 인과관계, for는 적당한(?) 인과관계를 표현함. 굳이 차이를 두자면 because는 ~ 때문에, for는 ~으로 말미암아, ~는 것을 보니
3. Faulty Coordination
문장과 문장의 컨텐츠를 동일한 importance로 둘것이냐 아니면 어느하나를 종속시킬것인가에 대한 고민. SC 시험의 기본이 판단력을 위한 시험이므로 컨텐츠의 주절과 종속 구분은 가장 중요하다. 이를 어긴것이 faulty coordination.
ex) We keep our rat poison, insecticides, and paint thinner locked in a cupboard, and we
are conscientious about our children's safety.
>> We keep our rat poison, insecticides, and paint thinner locked in a cupboard, because we are conscientious about our children's safety.