Friday, July 26, 2013

[Sentence Correction] Punctuation

punctuation은  절, 구, 단어, 문장의 구분을 더 용이하게 하기 위하여 쓰인다.

1. Colons (:)
:콜론은 문장에 대한 부연설명, 보충, 예시를 들 경우에 쓰인다.

1) 부연, 보충

June and Thomas were finally getting married: Thomas couldn't stand his relatives continually asking him when he was going to tie the knot.

2) 열거(동격)

In the garage are the following items: a rusty bike, two broken rakes, a watering can, a dead squirrel, and a pile of grass.

2. Commas (,)

1) 등위접속사와 함께 쓰일때
: 등위접속사와 함께 연결된 문장을 구분한다.

BOYfAN(s) = but, or, yet, for, and, nor, so

ex) Janice cried after her long-suffering dog died, yet the tears were tears of relief.

cf) 주어가 아주 짧거나, 내용상 아주 비슷할 경우 콤마 생략
The scene changes but the inspiration of men of good will persist.

2) 도입요소와 함께 쓰일때

- 종속절
If I don't win the lottery, I will not buy you a birthday present.

- 동사구
Overturning the initial ruling, the supreme court insured that justice was served.
Drenched in ink, Calvin suddenly became the laughing stock of the penmanship club.

- 전치사구
After his relaxing holiday, he found it difficult to return to his work mode.
In the springtime, the birds sing a new song.

- 부사 또는 접속부사
Unfortunately, the little league team lost the final match.
However, the apples were not bruised.

3) 비제한적 요소와 함께 쓰일때

Nonrestrictive elements of a sentence are clauses, phrases, and appositives that do not "limit" or "restrict" the meaning of the words they modify or refer to.

- 비제한 절
The golf course, which is located just north of the city, is known for its well-groomed fairways.

- 비제한 동사구
The books, sitting upon a shelf, looked worm-infested.

- 비제한 동격
Mr. Humphrey, the owner of the farm, plays chess every Saturday with my sister.

4) 제한적 요소와 함께 쓰일때

Restrictive elements limit meaning and are not set off with commas.

- 제한적 절
Flowers that are not watered will die.
The clerk who always chews gum pocketed the necklace.

- 제한적 동사구
The lady wearing the blue dress slipped an unknown liquied into the punch.
A penny saved is a penny earned.

- 제한적 동격
The prime minister Wilfred Laurier is not known by many Canadians.
Verdi's opera Aida has some musical scenes that rouse my soul.

※ 제한과 비제한의 차이점
I have three sons, who are doctors >> 3명, 뒤의 관계대명사절을 지워도 무방
I have three sons who are doctors  >> 3명 초과, 뒤의 관계대명사 절을 지우면 뜻이 왜곡

5) 다른 비핵심적 요소와 함께 >> 들어내도 내용의 전개는 상관 없음

- 독립분사구문
George, head down and fists up, reluctantly entered into the match.

- 삽입구문
Few people know, or would ever want to know, his secret.
In some types of film, especially horror film, the sound track is engineered to create suspense.

- 비교(대조)구문
The director, unlike the producer, did not mind going over budget.

6) 나열시

- 단어
I have never eaten mangoes, passion fruits, and coconuts.

- 구
Through the woods, over the mountains, across the desert, and under the ocean traveled the killer robot on its way to Antarctica

- 절
Reginald Simpson played at Carnegie Hall at the age of 9, directed his first orchestra by 16, made his first million at 17, married a super model at 18, divorced her at 21, and went bankrupt at 22.

ex) The new shirts were orange, blue, red and white.
>> The new shirts were orange, blue, red, and white.

7) 등위형용사와 함께 쓰일때

- 등위형용사
The small, ancient, dilapidated cottage stood near a marsh.
That tight, ugly suit should be thrown out.

cf) 누적형용사
Mother handed out three large vanilla ice-cream cones.

3. Semicolons

문장을 연결하는데 사용. comma보다 더 강력한 부호로써 접속사 불필요

1) 독립절 사이
I cannot stand dogs; dogs cannot stand me.

2) 접속부사 관련
The blueberry pie fell off the table; however, Calvin caught it with his fingertips.

3) List up되는 item이 ","를 가지는 경우 >> 쉽게말해 ", "가 많을때
There were three new delegates at the national meeting: Mr, Jean-guy Dubois from Sherbrooks, Quebec; Mrs. Kitty Deleterious from Lethbridge, Alberta; and Dr. Earnest Fits from Wawa, Ontario.

4) 등위절 자체내에 이미 ","가 사용 됐을 경우
Babe Ruth, the greatest of home run hitters, was the most colorful figure in baseball; but many people think Ty Cobb was a better player.

4. Apostrophes

1) 소유격

- 독립적 소유 >> 각각 's
Blackstone's and Houdini's magin routines are strikingly different.

- 공동 소유 >> 마지막 단어 's
Penn and Teller's magic surprised and shocked the crowd throughout the entire evening.

2) 동명사 앞에 소유격 불가 (전치사가 있는 경우)

- In those days, many people didn't approve of women voting.
- Everyone talked about the river rising to flood level.
- We were surprised at the owner of a new car parking here.


- instead of (as opposed to): 전치사 구로서 명사 혹은 동명사를 취한다.
ex) Check-out workers in London will receive £7.17 an hour instead of £7.54.

- instead: 부사로써 절과 연결된다.
ex) My husband asked why I couldn't just forget about dieting all the time and eat normally instead.


- rather than: 접속사의 역할을 하며 같은 타입의 표현들이나 단어를 이어주는 역할을 한다.
ex) I have used familiar English names rather than scientific Latin ones.
He wanted to talk to Mrs Harlowe rather than to her daughter.
Gambling was a way of redistributing wealth rather than acquiring it.
The problem was psychological rather than physiological.

- rather: 부사로써 절과 연결한다. 오히려라고 해석
ex) Twenty million years ago, Idaho was not the arid place it is now. Rather, it was warm and damp, populated by dense primordial forest.

3) 복수표기

- 's 로 복수 표현 >> letters, numbers, symbols, and words named as words.

ex) Watch your p's and q's
Does your answer have two 4's or two 5's?
How many %'s do you want on the report card form?
Three Nabokov's on the web site were spelled incorrectly.
※ 약자, 숫자의 복수 표기시에는 ' 생략 가능

5. Dashes

1) 어조변화 >> 화제전환이라고 생각하면 됨.
I love her so much - but she drives me crazy.

2) 비제한적 요소
The lamp - originally owned by her famous grandmother - had a compartment near it base.

3) 열거
Rainbows, jelly beans, roses, and Kittens - these are a few of my favorite things.
The youth learned a number of baksetball basics - how to shoot, how to dribble, how to pass, how to rebound, and, most difficult of all, how to do a lay up.

※ dash는 앞에 내용과 동격을 이루거나 그 내용에 대해 구체적인 설명을 하는 문구를 구분하는데 쓰인다.